
Monday, February 28, 2011

How to Monetize What's in Your Head

By Nika Stewart Platinum Quality Author

If you are looking for a quick way to profit from your expertise, teleseminars are the way to go.
Teleseminar: An informational presentation done over the phone, where people can attend (call in) from all over the world.
Why should you add teleseminars to your business repertoire?

  1. You gain credibility by boosting your expert status Teaching a class gives you professional clout. You are instantly seen as the expert with all the answers. And the easiest way to present a class is by doing a teleseminar. It is not only more relaxing for you (because no one is looking at you, and you can teach in your PJ's from the comfort of your office, kitchen, or bedroom), but it is easier and more relaxed for your attendees, as well.
  2. Generate another stream of income Many potential clients are just not ready to spend on your high-level services right now. They may be perfect clients in the future, but in the meantime, they would be thrilled to pay $25 - $250 to learn some of your techniques. Take advantage of this great opportunity, and create another stream of income by teaching over the phone.
  3. Leverage your time Entrepreneurs - especially service professionals - traditionally work one-on-one. With teleseminars, you can teach an unlimited amount of people at the same time. Whether you have 3 participants on the line or 300, you are doing the same amount of work. Leveraging your time like this - to give value to more people while doing the same amount of work - is how you create bigger wealth for yourself.
  4. Create an instant product By recording your teleseminar, you have created an instant digital product that you can sell on your website - for an additional stream of passive income.
  5. Expand your reach / Spread your message in a BIG way Do you want to be known and recognized around the world? With teleseminars, you are no longer limited to your local market. You can promote your teachings anywhere, and you can get clients from any state or country. All they need is a phone, and they can join in your class. Become an International speaker instantly!
  6. Teleseminars are very inexpensive to produce In fact, you can do them for free!

I encourage you to plan your first teleseminar right now!
Nika Stewart, The Laptop Mom, has a fanatical obsession with helping moms grow freedom-based, flexible, at-home businesses built on their passions and gifts. Her Laptop Mom S.U.C.C.E.S.S. System shows moms how to build passive streams of income while spreading their brilliance in a big way - all without sacrificing family priorities.
Check out how 8 moms do it in the free e-book, 8 Easy Ways to Become a Laptop Mom. Grab your copy here:

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